Bill and Melinda Gates always state in their Foundation meetings, “tough times calls for innovative measures”. When it comes to lead generation and marketing in the middle of global Corona crises, you probably have to pull our new tricks from your bag of ideas and start innovating new strategies to cope with possible threats and failures. The sad truth is that your same old traditional may not work best in your interests today; this is why social distancing calls for going through tactics that polish up new skills.
What does that mean? This means that you need to use this time wisely to brush up your skills and learn to write effective yet brief stories for boosting marketing.
Use Video as Often as Daily
There has never been a best time to utilize the power of digital video marketing to get closer to your customers in the time of social distancing. According to Neil Patel, 87% of businesses are using video marketing as a powerful tool and 84% marketers claim that video has tremendously helped them to boost their marketing. You can for example create one-on-one strategies by communicating with your clients, you can also create and send a personal video to clients and introduce yourself or your team.
Videos can do miracles for your marketing; you can also send a product demo or services presentation by using video tools available free online. You can send new customers a thank you note and show compassion towards serving them.
Using Animated Videos
Unlike traditional videos, you can use animated videos more effectively while working remotely for the clients. You can use your intentions behind the animations by adding a fun factor for the viewers to like your videos. Animated videos can tackle the challenge of coping with the social distancing dramatically; a recent survey by the Sprout indicates that animated videos are rated 33% more informative and entertaining than the normal videos. This is why they deliver a 15% higher conversion rate and customers share them 3 times more than the usual videos. In addition, animated videos are more likely to boost your sales twice compared to other videos.
Recreate your Business Presentations
Do you rely on presentations to play a crucial role in the sales meetings and lead generation? You may not be able to present to your global audience right now face to face; however, the social isolation cannot stop you from presenting in creative ways. For example, there are plenty of platforms to upload and share your presentations with the prospective clients and audiences using:
Slideshare platform
Share the best slides and images on the social media groups and pages.
Export the presentations as videos.
Reinvent presentations as infographcis.
Convert portions of them into animated GIFs and turn them into online slideshows.
Use free online tools such as ‘Snidely’ to create impact.