ENVIRONMENT: Farmed Salmon Killing Off Wild Cousins

Stephen Leahy

BROOKLIN, Canada, Oct 2 2006 (IPS) – Canada s open-ocean salmon farms are killing enormous numbers of wild salmon, threatening the species, a new study shows.
Research published Monday found that sea lice a fish parasite from salmon farms along the British Columbia coast kill up to 95 percent of the wild juvenile salmon as they head out to sea.

It is a startling conclusion, said Alexandra Morton, a biologist with the Raincoast Research Society and co-author of the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

We are not going to have any wild salmon at this rate, Morton told IPS.

The study says there is little doubt that the source of the sea lice infestation is British Columbia s (BC) booming aquaculture indus…

ENVIRONMENT: Pipeline Renews Debate on Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons

Matthew Berger

WASHINGTON, Oct 20 2009 (IPS) – On Sep. 24, a beachgoer near Swansea, Wales reported a piece of military equipment washed up on the shore. Three days later, the two members of the team that had showed up to dispose of the shell developed symptoms compatible with mustard gas a chemical warfare agent used in the two world wars and other conflicts.
Concern over sea-dumped chemical weapons such as the mustards that washed up in Wales is growing, particularly in the Baltic Sea the site of the dumping of 40,000 tonnes of surplus and seized chemical weapons in the years following World War II and the proposed site of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline connecting Russia and Germany.

Following presentations at the U.N. last week and meetings on Capitol Hill la…

U.S. Urged to Tackle Lead in Aviation Gasoline

The global drawdown in the use of leaded fuel has resulted in benefits of some 2.5 trillion dollars a year. Credit: Bigstock

WASHINGTON, Apr 22 2014 (IPS) – Consumer advocates, public health workers and environmental groups here are calling on the federal government to take a formal step towards regulating the use of lead in aviation gasoline, despite a failure to do so for nearly two decades.

The United States is one of the few countries that continue to allow the use of lead in aviation gasoline, known as “avgas” and used in more than 150,000 small planes and helicopters at around 20,000 U.S. airports. Avgas is now the country’s largest source of lead in a…

Opinion: Let’s Talk Menstruation. Period.

Chris W. Williams is the Executive Director of the Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council, the UN’s only body devoted to the sanitation and hygiene needs of vulnerable and marginalised people worldwide, and Kersti Strandqvist is Senior Vice President of Group Sustainability for Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget, based in Stockholm.

Strengthening women’s positions, and giving them the opportunity to fully participate in society is necessary if we are to achieve the SDG targets. Credit: Farooq Ahmed/IPS

Strengthening women’s positions, and giving them the opportunity to fully participate in society is necessary if we are to achieve the SDG targets. …

Mental Health Achievements in Bangladesh

[First of a two-part article]

Meeting of the Working Group on the National Mental Health Strategic Plan, April 2019

DHAKA, Oct 27 2021 (IPS) – Mental health is a state of well-being when both your body and your mind are in balance, and you are able to deal with the difficulties and challenges that come your way and easily find joy, peace, and happiness once the challenge is overcome. For many people though, the challenges often remain for too long the pain of losing someone you dearly loved, being diagnosed with a chronic disease like cancer or a heart condition, losing your family/home/job or feeling like you failed to meet expectations. All those things …