HEALTH-US: Troubled Soldier Gets Demoted, Not Treated

Aaron Glantz

SAN FRANCISCO, Jul 6 2007 (IPS) – Cody Miranda joined the U.S. Marine Corps when he was 17 years old. He loved the military and hoped to spend his entire career in the service.
Miranda has served more than 16 years in the Marine Corps. Over the years, he s been deployed to the Middle East six times, including stints in the 1991 Persian Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

But when he returned from a tour in Iraq in 2003, his stepmother Jodie Stewart says, he was a changed man.

He always used to be over focused on time as the military trains you to be, she said as an example. He s never on time for anything anymore. I don t know how to explain it to you. How do you explain it when a man who used to behave one way has gone abstractly and profoun…

Indigenous Communities Say Education, Funding Key to Fighting HIV/AIDS

Doris Peltier, Aboriginal Women and Leadership Coordinator with CAAN, was diagnosed with AIDS at the age of 44. Credit: Neena Bhandari/IPS

SYDNEY, Jul 21 2014 (IPS) – Marama Pala, hailing from Waikanae on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand, was diagnosed with HIV at 22. The news of her diagnosis spread like wildfire in her tight-knit Maori community.

That was in 1993 but even today, she says, there is a “shame and blame” attitude surrounding HIV, which disproportionately impacts the region’s indigenous population.

“If you are HIV positive, you are seen as ‘dirty’, as someone who must be a drug user or a prostitute. Our people are not se…

A Moral Failure: Billions of People with No Access to Clean Drinking Water

The UN will be commemorating World Water Day on Monday March 22.

Credit: UNDP

UNITED NATIONS, Mar 19 2021 (IPS) – Water is integral to sustainable development, but we are well behind on the goals and targets that we have set ourselves.

By current estimates:
– Some 2.2 billion people – almost a third of the global population – continue to lack access to safely managed drinking water;
– 4.2 billion people – more than half of the planet’s population – live without safely managed sanitation;
– 2 billion people don’t have a decent toilet of their own;
– and 3 billion lack basic handwashing facilities – even in the midst of a…