ROMANIA: Villagers Resist a Corporation

Claudia Ciobanu

ROSIA MONTANA, Oct 4 2007 (IPS) – I never had money, I never wanted money, and I never will want money. I fear no one but God. I will not leave this place for as long as I live. Such statements, from a small yet determined core of inhabitants of Rosia Montana are indication that the Canadian corporation that wants to dig for gold here could get blocked by at least some people.
Rosia Montana Credit: Alburnus Maior

Rosia Montana Credit: Alburnus Maior

Rosia Montana is a commune with a population of 3,500 in the Transylvanian county Alba, roughly 600 km northwest of capital Bucharest. The largest gold de…

HEALTH: Time To Base Public Policy On Rights

Zofeen Ebrahim

MEXICO CITY, Aug 6 2008 (IPS) – Preaching abstinence to the young has not worked, nor has sex work been eradicated. Experts gathered here for the 17th International AIDS Conference say it is time to put public policies under the microscope and see why they have failed. flyers distributed at the International AIDS Conference. Credit: Zofeen Ebrahim/IPS flyers distributed at the International AIDS Conference. Credit: Zofeen Ebrahim/IPS

Why do policies ostensibly put in place to protect sex workers end up penalis…

MIDEAST: Critical Healthcare Fails to Recover

Mel Frykberg

RAMALLAH, Aug 26 2009 (IPS) – The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that unless the siege of Gaza is lifted and a political solution implemented, Gaza s badly damaged health system will go from very bad to worse.
The WHO released a report in July stating that since the end of the war in January, most of Gaza s health services have begun to function again. But it says the health system is struggling to deliver advanced and comprehensive medical care to Gaza s 1.5 million people.

There are a number of factors contributing to the continuing degradation of Gaza s health system, says Gaza and West Bank WHO head Tony Laurence.

The isolation of Gaza s health system by the siege; the inability of people and equipment to get in and out of the te…

OP-ED: The Paradox of Losing Life While Giving Life in Africa

An estimated 162,000 women and girls will be buried in Africa by the end of this year. They could easily be saved if they received essential maternity services. Credit: Bonnie Allen/IPS

NAIROBI, May 25 2012 (IPS) – Three years ago, the African Union began a continent-wide campaign to reduce the number of women who die when pregnant or giving birth.

Called the Campaign for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa, its slogan is Africa cares: no woman should die while giving life. This was widely welcomed as many African societies give motherhood special status.

The sad truth, though, is that giving life is a leading cause of death of …

Cuban Doctors Bring Eyesight, Healthcare to Haiti

Many Haitian women have their blood pressure taken for the first time at mobile clinics like this one staffed by a Cuban medical brigade in Salomon market in Port-au-Prince.
Credit: Patricia Grogg/IPS

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Aug 28 2013 (IPS) – It s Saturday, and the entrance hall of a police station in front of the busy market in Salomon in the Haitian capital has become an improvised health post. In a few minutes there is a long queue of people waiting to be seen by the Cuban medical brigade.

The police officer on duty said he was not authorised to speak to journalists, but the extent of police cooperation is obvious. The police stations tables and chairs are quickly lined up…

Threat of Famine Looms in Yemen

On 6 May 2016 in Yemen, a baby is screened for malnutrition at the UNICEF- supported Al-Jomhouri Hospital in Sa’ada. Credit: UNICEF/UN026928/Al-Zekri

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 6 2017 (IPS) – Millions of Yemenis could soon face widespread famine if no action is taken to improve food access through humanitarian or trade means, an early warning system has said.

Up to eight million Yemenis are severely food insecure while another 2 million are facing food insecurity at emergency levels, just one phase below famine, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) has . The World Food Programme (WFP) that the food-insecure population in the Middle Eastern nation co…