HEALTH-US: Top Army Hospital Swamped by Tide of Wounded

Mark Weisenmiller

TAMPA, United States, Mar 28 2007 (IPS) – As a nine-member commission prepares to investigate allegations of ineptitude at the United States largest and most prestigious military hospital, politicians in Washington are waiting to see if any more colleagues associated with the scandal will lose their jobs.
Numerous problems at the Walter Reed Army Medical Centre including mouse feces, dead cockroaches and mould in the residential outpatient buildings, and an often-numbing level of red tape first came to national attention in February when the Washington Post published a series entitled The Other Walter Reed.

Reporters Anne Hull and Dana Priest spent approximately four months investigating the living conditions and standards of care for soldiers recup…

MAY DAY-KENYA: Export Processing Zones Still a Bone of Contention

Joyce Mulama

NAIROBI, Apr 30 2007 (IPS) – With working conditions around the world set to be placed in the spotlight on May Day (May 1), Emily Mugo has an axe to grind about her place of employment in one of Kenya s Export Processing Zones (EPZs).
One has to collapse from sickness to be allowed to seek medical attention. However sick one may be, you cannot afford to miss work: you will be sacked, she noted of the textile factory located on the outskirts of the capital, Nairobi.

To the managers it is production, not one s health condition, that matters. Besides, we have to work standing over long hours. This applies to pregnant women too.

Mugo claims that one of her colleagues asked permission to be allowed to work seated while she was pregnant, this after b…

G8: Summit Falls Short on Africa Aid, Hedge Fund Regulation

Julio Godoy

HEILIGENDAMM, Germany, Jun 8 2007 (IPS) – The Group of Eight industrialised countries (G8) agreed to allocate 60 billion dollars in new aid to Africa in the coming years , to beef up the fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, and to improve primary education across the continent.
G8 working session with Africa representatives. Credit: Federal Government of Germany

G8 working session with Africa representatives. Credit: Federal Government of Germany

But the summit of the heads of government of the G8 (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,…

HEALTH-US: Troubled Soldier Gets Demoted, Not Treated

Aaron Glantz

SAN FRANCISCO, Jul 6 2007 (IPS) – Cody Miranda joined the U.S. Marine Corps when he was 17 years old. He loved the military and hoped to spend his entire career in the service.
Miranda has served more than 16 years in the Marine Corps. Over the years, he s been deployed to the Middle East six times, including stints in the 1991 Persian Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

But when he returned from a tour in Iraq in 2003, his stepmother Jodie Stewart says, he was a changed man.

He always used to be over focused on time as the military trains you to be, she said as an example. He s never on time for anything anymore. I don t know how to explain it to you. How do you explain it when a man who used to behave one way has gone abstractly and profoun…

Q&A: "In Sierra Leone They Just Cut You, And There&#39s Not Much Problem With That"

Interview with Shirley Yeama Gbujama

FREETOWN, Aug 8 2007 (IPS) – Certain comments resonate long after they are made, and Shirley Yeama Gbujama #39s reported threat to sew up the mouths of those preaching against Bondo is certainly one of them.
Shirley Yeama Gbujama, Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children #39s Affairs. Credit: Michael J. Carter

Shirley Yeama Gbujama, Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children&#39s Affairs. Credit: Michael J. Carter

The Sierra Leonean social welfare minister is said to have made the comment just ov…

BRAZIL: Sports, Not Overprotection, for the Disabled

Fabiana Frayssinet

RIO DE JANEIRO, Sep 4 2007 (IPS) – Sports competitions for the disabled help parents and educators overcome the pitfalls of overprotection. Ten-year-old Andrea began swimming as a toddler, and trains twice a month in the ocean. Her mother says she has never been given special treatment, even though she has been blind from birth.
To attend the Benjamin Constant Institute for the blind in Rio de Janeiro, Andrea has to get up at 4:00 AM every morning, because she lives two hours away by bus, in the outlying neighbourhood of Campo Grande.

Besides her academic subjects, she studies dance and practices sports at school. Her favourite is swimming, which she does twice a week.

My daughter tells me Mama, people have prejudices, they think we #39re s…

ROMANIA: Villagers Resist a Corporation

Claudia Ciobanu

ROSIA MONTANA, Oct 4 2007 (IPS) – I never had money, I never wanted money, and I never will want money. I fear no one but God. I will not leave this place for as long as I live. Such statements, from a small yet determined core of inhabitants of Rosia Montana are indication that the Canadian corporation that wants to dig for gold here could get blocked by at least some people.
Rosia Montana Credit: Alburnus Maior

Rosia Montana Credit: Alburnus Maior

Rosia Montana is a commune with a population of 3,500 in the Transylvanian county Alba, roughly 600 km northwest of capital Bucharest. The largest gold de…

TRADE: Governments (Still) Pondering How to Make Drugs Accessible

David Cronin

BRUSSELS, Oct 30 2007 (IPS) – The struggle to make medicines affordable to the world s poor, especially in Africa, is raging on at the highest levels. Last week the European Commission took a landmark decision on generic drugs and next week a high-level intergovernmental meeting will look at ways to prevent patents from blocking access to drugs.
In an agreement announced last week (on October 23), European Union (EU) governments were told that they are free to make available generic versions of patented drugs for export to poor countries which lack their own manufacturing facilities.

And next week, between November 5 and 10, a little-known group the intergovernmental working group (IGWG) on public health, innovation and intellectual property rights will m…

SOUTH AFRICA: A Tale of Ongoing Water and Sanitation Woes

Steven Lang

JOHANNESBURG, Nov 29 2007 (IPS) – When the number of people reported with diarrhoea began to increase alarmingly in the town of Delmas in Mpumalanga Province towards the end of October, residents had flashbacks to an outbreak of diarrhoea and typhoid that took place in August and September, 2005. They feared the worst as the number of cases grew in the community of about 45,000 people 60 kilometres east of South Africa s financial centre, Johannesburg.
In 2005, five typhoid deaths were confirmed and seventeen people were hospitalised with the disease, normally caused by consuming water contaminated with the faeces or urine of infected people.

This year, soon after health officials became aware of the unusually high incidence of diarrhoea cases in Delmas, t…

IRAQ: Civilian Deaths Massive by Any Measure

Haider Rizvi

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 11 2008 (IPS) – How many Iraqi civilians have lost their lives as a result of gunshots and bombings since the U.S. military invaded that oil-rich Arab nation nearly five years ago?
The sole of a shoe lies abandoned along the so-called Highway of Death between between Kuwait and Basra. Credit: Christiaan Briggs

The sole of a shoe lies abandoned along the so-called Highway of Death between between Kuwait and Basra. Credit: Christiaan Briggs

Credible estimates for the period March 2003 until June 2006 …